Wooden Percussion 8 Piece Instrument Set

Type: fine motor

Help yourself or your child discover the wonderful world of music with our 8-piece Percussion Instrument Set.
Music is one of the greatest joys in life no matter the age, no matter the genre.

Not only is music for fun, there are boundless benefits of learning to play an instrument.

  • Improves fine motor skills
  • Hand eye coordination
  • Separation and movement of the fingers, therefore strengthening the muscles
  • Teaches two handed coordination
  • Patience, focus and attention
  • Self-expression and confidence building
  • Uses both sides of the brain, strengthening your memory

Especially in the classroom or in a group setting playing an instrument is great for growing your social skills too and developing new friendships as well as learning to share, listen and to be patient and kind with others.  

Listening or playing music can leave you feeling content, happy and occupied.
Jam out with your classmates, friends or at home with your family and let the creativity flow!

This 8-piece instrument set comes in a handy Sensory tools draw string carry bag for convenient and clean storage.