Engine Room/ Sensory Room

  The Engine Room is like a specialised gym. It uses certain activities and equipment to give the body vestibular (movement) and proprioceptive (pressure) input. Said to be an organised way of providing intensity. The room must be tailored to one's specific sensory needs just the same as, for example, you purchase a mattress and/or pillow. Some people will prefer a firm mattress and firm pillow, some prefer a soft mattress and soft pillow, and some prefer a combination, soft mattress with a hard pillow or vice versa. The reason for this is because it will become therapeutic depending on how, when, and why the equipment or activities are used. The professional guidance needs to come in regards to how, when, and why... it can then benefit anyone on opposite ends of the sensory processing continuum.

Principals Close to the ground Uneven Surfaces, Movable Surfaces, Up slide Inclines,Pushing and Pulling Swings to push and pull incorporates heavy work. Body Socks, whilst crawling etc form a heavy workout without the user realising. Always use rhythm to match the intensity of your movement session and always allow time to cool down at the end with breathing activities. Therapy also improves a child’s modulation, or ability to regulate neural messages in such a way they can respond to stimuli appropriately.

The benefits of therapy are often physical, but also psychological. The physical benefits of therapy include: • Balance responsivity – over responsivity and under responsivity • Gravitational security • Hand-eye coordination • Improved motor-planning • Improved sleep cycles • Language development • Posture

The psychological benefits of therapy include improvements in: • Attention • Confidence • Emotional outbursts and frustration • Moodiness • Procrastination • Restlessness • Socialisation.

Items to consider... Crash Mats, Body Socks, Swings, Genevieve CD’s, Kazoos Incline Mats, Landing Mats,  Ball Pits

Based on the Alert Program® which is detailed in the book called “How Does Your Engine Run?” 

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